The Transology Association Inc.
York Office for Transgender Affairs and Homeless Services
A 501(C)(3) Non Profit Association, Public charity)
Rules and Regulations for the
Food, Meals and Assistance Program for the Homeless
This program is based on the value of the Product and Services that would be donated by Businesses, Companies or Stores so that a Homeless individual can make purchases from those businesses donations that participate in the program
The Transology Association will then produce vouchers that will have the name of the Business, Company or Store who is participating in the Homeless Program listed on the face of each voucher that would be handed out to a homeless individual to use to purchase the businesses product or service donations. … Or … Businesses can use their own coupons or vouchers which would be given to The Transology Association which would total the face value of the businesses donation value. Transology would then distribute the said coupons or vouchers to Homeless Shelters and or Homeless individuals and or Families according to priority of need.
The Homeless can then make purchases of the product and or services donated by the participating companies using a voucher that has a face value.
The Homeless individual can make purchases of the products or services that a Company, Business or Store donated up to the face value of the voucher.
If the face value of the voucher is not completely used a credit can be marked on the voucher. The purchase receipt must be attached to the voucher that has the credit to make the voucher reusable for the remaining credit.
The voucher can be used again for the remaining credit of the voucher.
If the receipt is not attached to the voucher with the credit, the voucher cannot be reused for the remaining credit of the voucher.
If the date of the receipt and the date the voucher was redeemed do not match the voucher is void.
Cash donations are not permitted as a donation to this Program. Only Product and services are permitted as a program donation.
Vouchers produced will not exceed the value of the donation of the businesses
Vouchers can only be used at the participating Company, Store or Business whose name appears on the voucher.
Each voucher will have a face value that the voucher is valued at.
The person using the voucher must print and sign their name on the voucher, date the voucher is used and location of the store where the voucher is being redeemed for the stores product.
The vouchers can only be used at the store or business that donated their product or services.
Vouchers cannot be redeemed for the cash face value of the voucher.
Vouchers can only be used to purchase the products or services that the business or store donated to the Homeless program.
If vouchers are lost, stolen, or misplaced, vouchers cannot be reissued or replaced.
Vouchers that are altered in anyway will be disqualified and unusable regardless of reason.
When a business makes a donation to the program and vouchers are produced for the Homeless to use, a Donation form will be created with the name of the Donating Business,
The total amount of the Donation,
The number of vouchers produced,
The numbers on each voucher
The face value of each voucher
The Donation form will then be given to the businesses with the information for their records and to the Transology office for their records.
Description of Vouchers …
Vouchers will have the name of the program on each voucher listed as “Food, Meals and Assistance Program for the Homeless …
Vouchers will have the name of the Business on the voucher that is participating in the program
Vouchers can only be used at that particular donating business,
The cash value of each voucher will be on face of each voucher.
Each voucher will have a place on the voucher to register the date, location, time
There will be a section on the voucher where the user can print and also sign their name that is using the voucher.
The voucher will be made with a trademark on the vouchers that cannot be altered or copied so that vouchers cannot be counterfeited.
A Record of each of the Vouchers will be recorded on a donation form with the value of each vouchers and given to the business that made the donation.
In as example(s) … Walmart donated $5000.00 worth of product.
Vouchers would be produced with a face value of $50.00 each.
100 vouchers would be created at $50.00 each equaling $5000.00
A Homeless individual could then make purchases at the participating Walmart
store for the
face value of the voucher
The vouchers would be numbered as in example … from #2001 to #2051.
The total number of vouchers created would equal the total amount of the businesses donation and will not exceed the total amount of the donation
This information will be given to Walmart’s on a donation form which will have the voucher numbers and face value of each voucher. …
The vouchers will be distributed to Homeless individuals or to Homeless shelters who shelter
Homeless individuals to use to make purchases of products or services at the donating
companies, business or stores up to the face value of the voucher
Giants donates $2000.00 worth of groceries.
40 Vouchers are produced with a face value of $50.00.
The vouchers would be numbered as in example ... from #2047 to #2087,
These numbers will be given to Giants on a donation form so that records can be kept for each voucher handed out and redeemed.
A homeless individual can then purchase $50.00 worth of groceries at the participating giant store for the face value of the voucher.
Wendy s donates $1000.00 worth of meals
66 Vouchers would be produced at a face value of $15.00 each
(Based on the price of a average meal)
A Homeless individual can then purchase a meal from Wendy s for the face value of the voucher
Voucher can only be used at the Business, Store or Company that is listed on the voucher and that is participating in the homeless program
A List of homeless shelters, individuals and locations where vouchers were distributed to and the information about each voucher given as in the cash values, business name on voucher, numbers of vouchers given to each location or individual(s) will be recorded and filed in the Transology office.
Vouchers will be distributed to homeless shelters and homeless programs through out the areas that need food and meal vouchers for the individuals staying at their locations and facilities and distributed in accordance to the order of priorities and need.
The Transology Association office will keep on hand vouchers for each business, store or company and hand out the vouchers to homeless who come to the office. Each voucher handed out from the Office will be recorded with the name of the person the voucher was given to, the face value, date and time given out, the voucher number and the company name on the voucher.
The Office will keep track of the vouchers and what locations or individuals who were given vouchers, the number of vouchers given, the name of the business the voucher is registered to, cash value of each voucher and the number on the voucher.
The names of those given vouchers will be recorded and filed in the Transology office so a record of each person, facility and or location given vouchers will be on file in the Office.
Each location, shelter etc. that is given vouchers are required to record the names of the persons given vouchers, what business name was on the voucher, the cash value of the voucher so the use of this program is not abused
Rule for Distribution of vouchers … vouchers will be given to those who are in need of emergency help and assistance first. The balance of the coupons will be given to those next in line according to priority of need.
Limited Distribution …. vouchers are limited to persons according to their need per week or month depending on the priority of need. If a family is in need of vouchers the limit is multiplied by the number in the family. Families in need of groceries should be allowed to have vouchers up to $100.00 for groceries per week for one month unless other wise determined by the emergency of their status or the availability of the vouchers or size of family.
Distribution of vouchers for families in need is determined by the type of vouchers needed and the category of the use of the voucher as in example, over the counter medicine, Transportation, health products.
Business, Companies and Stores can withdraw from the program at any time without penalty or reason.
The Rules and Regulations listed in this description are subject to change at any time. Changes made will be reported to those participating in the program within 72 hours of change.
If you would like to participate in the program and provide the desparetly needed help the Homeless Community needs to have better access to needed food and other greatly needed products please click the link below which will take you to the program registration form.
You can fill out the form online and submitt it to the Office of Transgender Affairs and Homeless Services by clicking on the Submit button below the form. When we receive your registration we will contact you to answer any questions you may have about the program or you can call us at any of the numbers listed below or e-mail us at
717-332-1247, .... 717-413-1275 .... 717-318- 3359
+We wish to thank all that contribute to the Food, Meals and Assistence Program for the Homeless Community of York, Pennsylvania. Your help and contributions to this Homeless Program shows great concern for those in our community who are denied the ability to live a better life through no fault of their own. Thank you for your donations to the Food, Meals and Assistence Program for the Homeless.